

Given the stark choice of chucking in the towel on Vedic Voyages and finding yet another career, Jonny came home and set about expanding the business. Taking all that he’d learned from running trips to Pakistan, and all that he knew of the other locations from his writing assignments in Africa and Central Asia, he developed a business plan and in 2002 turned Vedic Voyages into a private limited company.

At once he set about recruiting like-minded guides and office staff who shared his passion for the remote corners of the world and a short time later the company took off.

Whilst maintaining the same sympathetic approach to the people we visit and the regions through which we travel, Vedic Voyages now takes travellers to over 60 countries on five continents.

Using passionate and knowledgeable guides, as well as dedicated and experienced office staff, we are able to provide unique and original itineraries that allow our clients to take a journey beneath the surface of the region and into those special and secret places we all love to discover.

Also by teaming up with carefully chosen Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) – the Hope Foundation in Calcutta, Camara in Ethiopia and Lone Buffalo in Loas to name a few – we are also able to help local communities come to terms with their ever-changing environment, provide funds for better water, housing and education and ultimately help to put something back. In order to be able to do more in this regard, in January 2009 we formed our own Vedic Voyages Foundation to help us in this endeavour.



In this short film, Jonny explains about setting up and running, Vedic Voyages, the multi-award winning adventure travel company...



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